Fully planned for you with video instruction.

Daily calories and macros breakdown so you know exactly what and how much to eat in order to reach your goals
Measure and analyze your results to stay accountable

Xeela has transformed the lives of many. Our proven workout programs and nutritional plans have gotten trainees into the best shape of their lives.


The Xeela coaches are the top experts in body transformations and will help you achieve your goals with a steady routine and a regiment that has worked for their trainees time and time again.

Welcome to our FAQ section! Here you'll find answers to common questions about workouts, nutrition, subscription, and payment settings
Yes, the Xeela app has workout plans for both genders, personalized according to your body type, goals, and preferences.
Xeela's Smart Weight Suggestion feature tells you what weight you should be doing for a certain exercise based on how many reps you recently completed with certain weights. For example, if your plan has you doing 10 reps for barbell benchpress, and you do 12 reps with 105 LBS, the app will suggest you increase the weight to 115 LBS on your next set.
Personalized workout plans based on several answers you give us in your signup survey! These include body type, goals, gender, experience, access to gym equipment, and several other factors.
Exercise instructions - Videos and written instructions are provided for each exercise so you can optimize results and safety!
Progress tracking - Enter the weight and reps completed for each exercise so you can objectively see your progress.
Smart Weight Suggestions - Let Xeela do the math! Using your progress tracking, we will automatically notify you when it's time to move up in weight for each exercise.
Exercise instructions - Videos and written instructions are provided for each exercise so you can optimize results and safety!
Progress tracking - Enter the weight and reps completed for each exercise so you can objectively see your progress.
Smart Weight Suggestions - Let Xeela do the math! Using your progress tracking, we will automatically notify you when it's time to move up in weight for each exercise.
There are many factors that affect your results, #1 being your discipline, as well as your body type and gender.
If you strictly stick to your custom workout and diet regimen on a daily basis, most people can expect to see results within 3-6 weeks.
Remember, results don't mean the same thing for everyone - all of our bodies are VERY different! If you don't see improvements in any aspect (weight, appearance, endurance, strength) please don't hesitate reach out to your Personal Trainer for advice!
If you strictly stick to your custom workout and diet regimen on a daily basis, most people can expect to see results within 3-6 weeks.
Remember, results don't mean the same thing for everyone - all of our bodies are VERY different! If you don't see improvements in any aspect (weight, appearance, endurance, strength) please don't hesitate reach out to your Personal Trainer for advice!
Xeela's At-Home Workout Kit brings you 8 total resistance bands for dozens of upper body, lower body, and abdominal exercises, as well as a jump-rope for cardio. It conveniently fits into a small drawstring bag so you can bring it anywhere!
With each exercise, videos and written instructions on how to properly use the equipment are provided.
With each exercise, videos and written instructions on how to properly use the equipment are provided.
1. From the Home screen, click "View all" in the top-right corner
2. If today's date is not already selected, select today's date and click the green "start workout" button
3. Log your reps and weight after each set
4. Once you have logged every set for each exercise in the workout, hit "complete workout" to save your performance
2. If today's date is not already selected, select today's date and click the green "start workout" button
3. Log your reps and weight after each set
4. Once you have logged every set for each exercise in the workout, hit "complete workout" to save your performance
1. Click on the "Exercises" tab in the bottom navigation bar
2. Select the muscle of interest
3. This will show you all exercises that work the selected muscle (even ones outside of your personal program)
2. Select the muscle of interest
3. This will show you all exercises that work the selected muscle (even ones outside of your personal program)
Although nothing can beat the live physical corrections and motivation of a personal trainer, the Xeela app is the next best thing!
• Videos showing proper form
• Written instructions to explain the videos
• Personalized daily workouts
• Workout tracking so you can see the progress you've made
• Smart Weight Suggestions that auto-calculate when you should increase/decrease your weight
• Videos showing proper form
• Written instructions to explain the videos
• Personalized daily workouts
• Workout tracking so you can see the progress you've made
• Smart Weight Suggestions that auto-calculate when you should increase/decrease your weight
1. Make sure your food scale is set to "zero out" the weight of the object you are placing your food onto (plate, bowl etc) so that it's only weighing the food itself.
2. Weigh each individual ingredient in the state they will be eaten in (example: if you're weighing chicken and rice, make sure you weight them individually, and weigh them AFTER they are cooked for best accuracy)
3. Search for each ingredient and enter the weight of each of them as recorded on the food scale
2. Weigh each individual ingredient in the state they will be eaten in (example: if you're weighing chicken and rice, make sure you weight them individually, and weigh them AFTER they are cooked for best accuracy)
3. Search for each ingredient and enter the weight of each of them as recorded on the food scale
1. From any of the 4 main screens, click the blue "+" sign in the bottom-middle portion of the screen
2. Click "Add food item"
3. Depending if the food you ate was homemade, from a restaurant, or has a scannable barcode, you can choose which method suits each meal best.
2. Click "Add food item"
3. Depending if the food you ate was homemade, from a restaurant, or has a scannable barcode, you can choose which method suits each meal best.
• Calculated, customized daily macro-nutrient goals
• Meal suggestions to reach those goals, that abide by your dietary preferences
• Macro-tracking so you can easily log each meal and know if you will/have hit your nutrition goals each day
• Meal suggestions to reach those goals, that abide by your dietary preferences
• Macro-tracking so you can easily log each meal and know if you will/have hit your nutrition goals each day
Try google searching the macro-nutrients for the meal you had and manually enter those when you log your meal. Be sure the portion sizes and ingredients match as closely as possible.
We provide 30 vegan recipes that meet your macronutrient needs
Although it's not necessary, it helps your mind and body get into a routine, which makes you far more likely to stick to your provided diet plan and ultimately reach your goals.
Eating within the same 1-2 hour window every day for each meal is the easiest way to stick to your diet plan.
Eating within the same 1-2 hour window every day for each meal is the easiest way to stick to your diet plan.
Under "Number of servings" enter what portion of the meal you ate.
For example, if you ate 3/4 of a chicken sandwich, you would enter "0.75" under "Number of servings"
For example, if you ate 3/4 of a chicken sandwich, you would enter "0.75" under "Number of servings"
If you are truly dedicated to get results, yes, you should log anything over 30 calories. Every little bit counts!
Month-to-month subscriptions are $23.99 per month
Yearly subscriptions are $172.73 ($14.39 per month) - save 40%
Yearly subscriptions are $172.73 ($14.39 per month) - save 40%
Your account info and all meal and workout history will be saved, but you will not have access to any features in the Xeela App.
An annual subscription will save you $115 (40%) every year.
Xeela App paid subscribers will receive 20% off all supplements.
Xeela App paid subscribers will receive 20% off all supplements.
1. Click on the "Home" icon on the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen
2. Click on your profile at the top-left corner
3. Click "profile & settings"
4. Select the "Settings" tab at the top
5. Next to where it says "units" it will say either "imperial" or "metric" in blue font. Click that, then you can choose Metric System (CM and G/KG) or Imperial System (Inches and Pounds/Ounces)
2. Click on your profile at the top-left corner
3. Click "profile & settings"
4. Select the "Settings" tab at the top
5. Next to where it says "units" it will say either "imperial" or "metric" in blue font. Click that, then you can choose Metric System (CM and G/KG) or Imperial System (Inches and Pounds/Ounces)
Join thousands of others who have embarked on their journey. Be the next success story and take action to change your life now.